An error occurred while Parsing an XML document.
The string "--" is not permitted within comments.
The error occurred in C:/home/ line 126
Called from C:/home/ line 102
Called from C:/home/ line 101
Called from C:/home/ line 99
Called from C:/home/ line 98
Called from C:/home/ line 97
Called from C:/home/ line 1
124 : </cfhttp>
125 : <cfset Results = #CFHTTP.FileContent#>
126 : <cfset MyDoc = XmlParse(Results)>
127 : <cfset productnodes = xmlSearch(MyDoc,'productInfo/productAttributes/') >
128 : <cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(productnodes)#" index="i" step="1">
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Date/Time |
02-Dec-24 11:47 AM |